Mission Statement
The Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association supports the school to provide a positive learning environment where everybody is inspired to be their best.
The P&C is open to all parents and carers of students attending our school and all citizens within the school community. We promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, carers, citizens, students and teaching staff together, and by raising funds to provide facilities and equipment for the school.
Allambie Heights Public School P and C Constitution
What we do
The P&C meets once a term on a Tuesday evening at 7.00pm. The meetings include a report from the school Principal, as well as reports from the P&C President and Treasurer. P&C sub-committee reports are communicated to all financial members prior to the meeting and discussed in the meeting, if required. Guest speakers are invited to give presentations on topics of interest. Importantly, P&C meetings provide a forum for discussion about the school and local community, with agenda items welcome from any parent or citizen.
The P&C also undertakes fundraising activities to assist the school in providing educational programs and equipment. Funds raised are held in trust and donated to the school on a yearly basis at the discretion of the P&C.
At the Annual General Meeting held at the end of each year, relevant sub-committees provide an annual trading profit and loss statement and all positions become vacant.
All parents, carers and local citizens are invited to apply for positions and are formally elected to take up their roles for the forthcoming year.
2025 meeting dates - meetings run from 7.00pm - 8.30pm:
Tuesday 25 February 2025 - Zoom
Tuesday 27 May 2025 - Zoom
Tuesday 19 August 2025 - Zoom
Tuesday 18 November 2025 - Zoom and Library
2025 Committee Members
President: VACANT – ahpandc@gmail.com
Vice Presidents: Brendan Byrne and Charli Nichols
Treasurer: Maryanne van Wyngaard - ahpstreasury@gmail.com
Secretary: Jenna Binskin - ahpssecretary@gmail.com
Band sub-committee: Andrew Bowman - ahpsband@gmail.com
Canteen Manager: Mandy Salmon - ahpscanteen@gmail.com
Class Parent and Carer coordinator: Shelley Kemp
Disco coordinator: Lauren Holloway
Diversity and Inclusion sub-committee: Kelly Barr-Jones
Fundraising coordinator: VACANT - ahpspcfundraising@gmail.com
Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day Stalls: VACANT
Scholastic Book Club: Suzie Rogerson and Alyssa Bolton
Social coordinator: VACANT
Student Accident Insurance: P&C executive
Sustainability and Environment sub-committee: Richard Griffiths
Uniform Shop: Casandra Hodsell - ahpsuniformshop@gmail.com
Working Bee: Sustainability and Environment sub-committee
2025 meeting agendas and meeting summaries:
Tuesday 25 February 2025 - Zoom - meeting agenda
2024 meeting agendas and meeting summaries:
Wednesday 21 February 2024 - Zoom - meeting agenda and meeting summary
Tuesday 28 May 2024 - Zoom - meeting agenda
Tuesday 6 August 2024 - Zoom - meeting agenda
Tuesday 26 November 2024 (AGM) - Zoom and Library - AGM meeting agenda and November meeting agenda
2023 meeting agendas and meeting summaries:
Tuesday 28 February 2023 - Zoom - meeting agenda and meeting summary
Wednesday 5 April 2023 - Zoom and Library - meeting agenda and meeting summary
Tuesday 16 May 2023 - Zoom - meeting agenda and meeting summary
Wednesday 2 August 2023 - Zoom - meeting agenda and meeting summary
Tuesday 5 September 2023 - Zoom - meeting agenda and meeting summary
Tuesday 24 October 2023 - Zoom - meeting agenda and meeting summary
Monday 27 November 2023 (AGM and meeting) - Zoom and Library - AGM meeting agenda and November meeting agenda
How you can join us
You can become a financial member of the P&C by donating a gold coin in person at a meeting or via Flexischools under P&C Annual Membership Fee link.
The gold coin donation lasts until the end of the AGM in November. Your voting rights are activated at the next meeting after your donation, eg: if you pay and attend the September meeting, you will be able to vote from the October meeting. Your financial status will finish at the end of the AGM.
Helping at school is a great way to get involved in your child’s education, as well as to get to know the school staff and other parents and carers.
Meeting Agendas
Please provide any agenda items two weeks prior to the meeting date via ahpandc@gmail.com. The meeting agenda is communicated via Compass email the week before each meeting. Once the agenda has been published to the school community, items cannot be added to the agenda.
At the beginning of term 1, the school proposes a 'wishlist' of items which are needed by the school to help focus fundraising efforts. In 2024, monies raised by the P&C have enabled the school to continue to be able to employ a Student Wellbeing Officer two days per week and this funding support wil continue in 2025.
Many new musical instruments have also been purchased with money donated by the P&C, enabling a larger number of children to learn an instrument and join the school band program.
Student Injury Insurance
Student Injury Insurance is held by the P&C and applies to all students enrolled at the school. Please click on the links below to see what is covered and how you can make a claim.
Download and view: Accident Claim Form
Download and view: What is covered
Download and view: Student Injury Policy
You will need to ensure you have seen a qualified medical practitioner as soon as possible after the injury as your benefits will only be paid from the date you first seek medical attention
Any additional enquiries should be directed to:
Accident & Health International Underwriting Pty Ltd
Level 4, 33 York Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 9251 8700
Fax: 9251 8755