Allambie Heights Public School

Ever Aim High

Telephone02 9451 5440



All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.

The P&C provides our school canteen, The Snack Shack.

It is run by our canteen manager with additional support from permanent or casual employees, as well as volunteers who we rely heavily on to be able to provide the canteen service five days a week.

We strive to comply with the Healthy Kids Association guidelines and are proud to offer delicious, fresh food for our children. Much of our food is made from scratch in the canteen and is available over the counter at recess and lunch, as well as online through Flexischools. 

Our recess service is from 11:10am to 11:40am and our lunch service is from 1:00pm to 1:50pm.

Snack Shack Menu Term 1 2025


Volunteer support is vital to keep our canteen open five days a week.

Please click on the following link to see the shifts that are available.

Term 1 2025 sign up link

How to order online

You will need to register for our online system by visiting or downloading the Flexischools app on your phone, and adding your child's school, name and current class.

All orders must be placed by 8:30am each day.

Any issues with registration or queries relating to orders please contact Flexischools directly on 1300 361 769.


Cancelling an online order

If your child is sick, or you no longer require your recess or lunch order please log on to Flexischools BEFORE 8:30am on the day and cancel your order directly. Your account will be automatically credited.

If you miss this deadline, please contact the school office on 9451 5440 and they will contact the canteen on your behalf. We will be unable to cancel your order if our canteen staff have commenced processing orders.


How menu items are chosen

When considering menu items and stock our canteen manager adheres to the guidelines set out by the NSW Government Healthy School Canteen policy.  For more information on these policies, please visit In addition to these guidelines, decisions are also based on things such as consistency of volunteer, volume of orders, supplier availability, freezer space and cost-effective pricing.

Feedback on, and suggestions for, the menu are welcome via


Emergency Lunches

The canteen offers an Emergency Lunch Service for children that have no recess or lunch during the day (upon presentation of a signed note from a teacher). We can offer children an apple or a cup of rice for recess and a sandwich (honey, jam, cheese or vegemite) and an apple for lunch.  We cannot offer hot food or any other item from our menu for an emergency lunch.  The cost of these items is slightly higher than on the menu as this is an additional service. Payment can be made via Flexischools. Click on the IOU: Emergency Lunch button and add the amount you owe to make payment.



Please register any relevant details with the school office and when ordering online, please highlight the "Allergy Alert" option.

We do not use any nut products in the preparation of menu items in the canteen, however, we do stock pre-packaged foods that may contain traces of nuts.